Dental Implants

Visit EDentist Dandenong Today For Quality Dental Implants

If you have broken or missing teeth due to tooth rot or a mouth injury, you may feel self-conscious about your smile. Fortunately, you can replace missing teeth with natural-looking, tooth-coloured dental implants.

Dental implant treatment is one of the best options when dealing with missing teeth to restore your mouth to full function. Call EDentist Dandenong today to schedule a consultation and find out if dental implants are right for you.

What Are Dental Implants?

A dental implant acts as a replacement for a missing tooth root. The implant is usually titanium and affixes securely into the jaw, where the bone grows around it, forming the foundation for a new artificial tooth. First, our dentists will take X-rays of your teeth and examine your mouth. Our dentists can correct this with bone grafts.

After your gum has healed and the implant is secure in your jaw, which may take several weeks, your dentist places an artificial tooth and crown on top of the implant and ensures a natural look and a permanent fit. Implants require the same cleaning techniques as natural teeth. Brush twice daily, floss, use mouthwash, and get routine checkups.

Smile Confidently with Dental Implants in Dandenong

A dental implant is an ideal solution for a tooth with a damaged nerve or root. At EDentist, we offer single-tooth implants, implant-supported bridges, and implant-supported dentures. Single-tooth implants drill directly into the jawbone to permanently secure one artificial tooth. Our dentists match the colour and shape to fit seamlessly in with your natural teeth.
If you are missing multiple teeth, we have options for that, too. Implant-supported bridges anchor a row of artificial teeth to a dental implant to replace several missing teeth.

Implant-supported dentures replace an entire row of upper or lower teeth. EDentist Dandenong can help you with any type of dental implant you need.

Benefits of Getting Dental Implants

Dental implants permanently replace missing teeth and function exactly like natural teeth. If you take care of them properly, dental implants can last a lifetime. Due to wear and tear, the dental crowns on top of the implants may need replacing after ten or 15 years.

Here are just some of the benefits of getting dental implants.

Improve Functionality

A dental implant replaces teeth, which makes talking, eating, and drinking easier. Regular dentures can come loose and slip, but implants make life easier, improving your comfort and oral hygiene.

Maintain Tooth Alignment

Missing teeth can throw off your tooth alignment. Dental implants prevent teeth from shifting into gaps and pressing against each other, which can make biting and chewing more difficult. Healthy tooth alignment keeps your jaw from distorting as you age.

Protect Jawbone

Implants protect the jaw from losing bone mass, which can cause further tooth loss. For the best-looking and functioning dental implants in Dandenong, make an appointment with EDentist today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Patients may feel mild discomfort for two days after the surgery. Over-the-counter pain medication can help manage the pain. Let your dentist know if the pain persists after a few days.
Since dental implants fit and function like natural teeth, they do not require special care. However, maintaining proper oral hygiene by brushing and flossing regularly is essential for maintaining adequate oral health. You should also schedule a routine cleaning and exam with your dentist once every six months to further protect your teeth and gums.

Schedule Your Consultation with EDentist for Dental Implants in Dandenong Today!